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The Colloids and Polymers Physics Group (GFCP) was founded in 1993 at the University of Santiago de Compostela. It is currently headed by Dr. Silvia Barbosa (Coordinator) and Prof. Pablo Taboada (Scientific Director). The research group is composed of two main labs: the Colloids and Polymers Physics lab located at the Faculty of Physics, and the BioNanotools lab at Singular Research Center in Biological Chemistry and Molecular Materials (CIQUS).


The research activity of the Colloids and Polymers Physics Group is currently  devoted to the area of colloidal nanomaterials and nanotechnology, with special emphasis on the synthesis and formation mechanisms of inorganic nanoparticles with controlled composition, size and morphology; the obtention of nanostructured thin films and ordered nanoparticle arrays at different dimensions; the creation of self-assembled polymeric and protein nanostructures (micelles, vesicles, particles, fibers, gels) and the in-depth analysis of their underlying mechanisms of formation and physico-chemical properties; the design of colloidal nanocomposites, nanohybrids and bioscaffolds; and the potential use of the obtained colloidal nanomaterials and thin films in different (bio)applications such as biosensing, theranosis, controlled drug delivery regenerative medicine and energy production and storage.

Experimental work in the GFCP group is performed by means of equipment specially dedicated to our research lines. In this manner, the group possess ca. 180 m2 of lab space and 80 m2 of office space between their facilities at the Faculty of Physics and CIQUS. The group has also access to USC common facilities and equipment, including a biological lab level 3 of nearly 200 m2. More


The GFCP is formed by a full Professor, a habilitated full professor, an associate professor, a Ramón y Cajal researcher and four postdoctoral researchers hired through different competitive national and international calls...


Prof. Pablo Taboada

Colloids and Polymer Physics Group (GFCP)

Condensed Matter Physics Area


Faculty of Physics

University of Santiago de Compostela

15782 Campus Vida

Santiago de Compostela, Spain​

phone: +34 881 814111


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